READ: What is the meaning of DIScursively? THE WARNING ORDER Warning orders contain the situation and mission paragraphs from the original operation order, and any general and specific instructions to be carried out as necessary. What does the general instructions paragraph of a warning order contain? Justice: Leaders must have a strong sense of justice. JJDIDTIEBUCKLE (pronounced “JJ did tie buckle”), representing justice, judgement, dependability, integrity, decisiveness, tact, initiative, endurance, bearing, unselfishness, courage, knowledge, loyalty, and enthusiasm. The SALUTE report, like many other military reporting forms, is standardized to mitigate confusion when relaying important information to different units or branches of the military. The SALUTE report is a general template used to determine, and report, the most important assets of an enemy force. into three sections: Higher’s Mission/Intent, Adjacent Units, and Supporting Units. This is accomplished by conducting an analysis of many factors, including Enemy Forces and Enemy Capabilities and Limitations. The leader must determine the enemy’s most likely action. O Enemy’s Most Probable Course of Action (EMPCOA). What are the components of an enemy’s most likely course of action? READ: What is 5G technology and how does it work?